
Latest newsletter from Sikh Elders Service

The latest newsletter from Sikh Elders Service is now out. This issue includes: SES will be holding a consultation for all service users on 6th November There's a fundraising Dinner and Dance on 13th October As Summer fades, there's some advice for getting ready for Winter The newsetter also contains information about ongoing projects, including Cha Da Cup, Bhoole Bisre Yaadein, Befriending and Silver Surfers To find out more, download the

2020-04-17T10:42:35+01:006th September 2017|Community, Downloads, News, Newsletter|

Sikh Elders Service newsletter – April 2017

Sat Sri Akaal and Hello! Welcome to the Sikh Elders Service Newsletter. I know that it has been quite some time since you last heard from me, but I am happy to say that I am back from maternity leave! I am really pleased to see that while I have been away the SES Team and volunteers have done a terrific job, taking the service from strength to strength, even

2020-04-17T10:27:23+01:0024th April 2017|News, Newsletter|

Sikh Elders Service Newsletter April 2016

You can now download the latest newsletter from Sikh Elders' Service. The newsletter includes information about: Plans for a Summer trip Cha Da Cup weekly drop in group Silver Surfers - computer and internet training Bhoolay Bisre Yaadein monthly music and social group Report on our Winter Warmth Wellbeing event Download here.

2020-04-17T10:12:22+01:003rd May 2016|Downloads, News, Newsletter|

Latest news from the Sikh Elders Service

Sikh Elders Service have just published their seventh newsletter, including news about "Nice Cup of Tea" - a social and art project that a number of service users took part in "Voice of Sikh Elders" - a community consultation event at Ramgharia Sikh Centre on 8th March Yoga classes, swimming lessons and aqua aerobics Photos from the celebration of International Day of Older People Notes on Personalisation and how it

2020-04-16T17:42:46+01:0022nd February 2012|News, Newsletter|