
Touchstone's Alison Lowe to address leadership event for women working in higher education

As part of their International Women’s Day 2018 celebrations Leeds Beckett University will be hosting the Aurora + 1 event on 7 March. Aurora + 1 has been designed to give women working at the university an opportunity to hear from expert speakers, panel members and subject matter leaders to help them develop their leadership knowledge and skills and to enable them to share ideas, challenges and successes. Touchstone's Chief

2020-04-17T10:55:06+01:0023rd February 2018|Equality and Diversity, Events, Leadership, News|

Touchstone stays in top 10 best not-for-profit companies to work for

Once again, Touchstone has been listed in the Sunday Times Best Companies to Work For. We've been placed 9th in the 100 Best Not-for-Profit Companies, our second year in the top 10, and our 6th in the top 100. The results are based on a confidential survey of staff, giving them the opportunity to feedback on the experience of working for their employer. Responses from Touchstone staff highlighted that: 93

2020-04-17T10:54:57+01:0022nd February 2018|Awards, News|

Air pollution in Leeds – public consultation

Leeds City Council is looking for people living, working and commuting in Leeds and the wider region to have their say on our proposals to reduce air pollution and protect the health of people in the city. It's important that they receive responses from people in a wide range of communities. This public consultation is open from 2 January to 2 March 2018. Why we need to reduce air pollution

2018-02-21T09:00:44+00:0021st February 2018|News|

Co-Production, Not Faux Production

We are at the next exciting stage of developing a Co-Production standard for Leeds! This one day workshop will put together the Co-Production standard, which will be launched at our third Co-Production conference on 5th July. The workshop will include: Co-design and develop co-production quality standards Share your expertise and experiences Establish a Co-Production Network for Leeds Contribute to joint working across agencies, sectors and services Free lunch provided. We

2020-04-17T10:54:37+01:0020th February 2018|Coproduction, Events, News|

Have you, or someone you care for, ever been detained under the Mental Health Act?

Touchstone are holding three focus groups to gather feedback for The Mental Health Act Review. Get in touch to book your place. Dewsbury: 28th February, contact 01924 460211 or Leeds: 2nd March, contact 0113 2192727 or Bradford: 17th April - details to be confirmed.  

2020-04-17T10:54:43+01:0017th February 2018|Carers, Equality and Diversity, Events, News, Research|

Touchstone in Stonewall's Top 100 Employers for 2018

Touchstone has been placed 20th in the Stonewall Top 100 Employers, which lists the best employers for lesbian, gay, bi and trans staff.  Now in its fourteenth year, the list celebrates the pioneering efforts of leading organisations to create inclusive workplaces and is compiled from submissions to the Workplace Equality Index. “Touchstone is delighted to be named a Stonewall Top 100 LGBT-Friendly employer for the fifth year running; being placed 20th

2020-04-17T10:51:49+01:0031st January 2018|Equality and Diversity, LGBT History Month, LGBT*, News|

Time to Talk in Dewsbury

In an ideal world, we'd all feel free to speak about our mental health, without any fear of how other people might react. But in the real world, sometimes we need encouragement and reassurance to feel safe to talk. That's a big part of what Touchstone's services provide, and it's also a big part of the reason behind Time To Talk day. Each year on 1st February, people are encouraged

2020-04-17T10:51:42+01:0029th January 2018|Community, Events, News, Peer Support|

Weekly gardening sessions for Beacon service users

WANT TO HELP TURN GREEN SPACES INTO COMMUNITY GROWING AREAS THAT HELP THE ENVIRONMENT AND IMPROVE GREEN SPACES? NEW GARDENING SESSIONS OPEN TO ALL BEACON SERVICE USERS!  Join-in with: planting native plants,   vegetables, herbs & wildflowers, making and using compost bins, learn about Beacon volunteering opportunities, construct raised beds and more! WEEKLY SESSIONS EVERY FRIDAY STARTING FRIDAY 26TH OF JANUARY   11:00am – 1pm Bus fares paid   Waterproofs provided   Snacks available

2018-01-17T09:00:57+00:0017th January 2018|News|

Get some Head Space

Beat Stress! Get motivated! Make a new start! A free seven-week course coming soon to find your strengths, meet new people and get new perspectives. In a small group, we will learn different techniques that will help you manage your mood, including assertiveness, getting good sleep, self-esteem, dealing with stress and relaxation. When: Friday 9TH February 2018 10am-12.00pm. Every Friday for 7 weeks Where: Beeston, Venue to be confirmed This

2020-04-17T10:51:33+01:009th January 2018|Events, News, Partnership, Stress, Training|